Babysits Community Resources
8+ important tips for your first time babysitting
First time babysitting? Nervous about how it’s going to go? Well, have no fear! Check out our advice on how to be as prepared as possible for your first time babysitting.
First contact with the family
Meeting the babysitting family for the first time can be exciting and nerve-racking. Here we provide tips on how to make the most out of the first contact with the family and make a good first impression.
Babysitting as a part time job
Babysitting is perhaps the most fun job that there is! You get to play with children and can relax once they've been put to bed. With Babysits in particular, the job becomes even more enjoyable as you have control over your own working h...
The 4 best games to play outside
Is the weather nice outside? Then why don’t you play with the children outdoors? Children tend to get bored when they are cooped up in the house all day, and nice weather provides a great opportunity to take the children for some fresh a...
How do you find a trustworthy babysitter?
Looking for a babysitter? More and more parents are going online to look for a suitable babysitter. But, what’s the best way to find a babysitter? Read our 10 tips about what you should do when looking for a trustworthy babysitter.